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A Leadership Riddle
If the answer is, “Build your Tribe” ...then what is the question? But first, every leader must know their tribe.
The Bench
No one wants to find themselves on the Bench - and yet many careers benefit from the experience.
To Board or not to Board - That is the Question
Boards offer us the opportunity to bring our skills, knowledge and experience to a new realm
The Leadership Creed
Checking ourselves against the Leadership Creed can keep us on track.
Into Leadership - Pivot
Careers are built on Pivot Points - scan your environment for opportunity.
SNAP - Director Board Alignment
Fitting Skills to Gaps for Board Effectiveness
Transition Eats Change for Breakfast
Transition is so much more than change. Change can be immediate and swift – but transition is a process or a period of change.
Frogs can Derail Transitions
Where is the inter-connect between frogs and transitions?
Scope Your Transitions
Transitions are not one-dimensional. When we take the time to scope out a transition before we engage, we are more likely to extract all the benefits it has to offer.
Is Transition Imminent?
Short answer – yes. We are all in constant stages of transition.
Uncomfortable Leadership
The journey to leadership is disruptive and uncomfortable. Once we arrive, we find that the act of leadership is also disruptive and uncomfortable.
Don’t Free-fall Your Transition
When we consider career transition, generally we think about the forward thrust propelling us closer to our chosen trajectory.
Journey to Leadership
“The longest journey you will ever take is the eighteen inches from your head to your heart.” - Thich Nhat Hanh
Lost in Transition Bubbles
Well planned, and well-executed transitions are marked by the presence of momentum. An unplanned, or poorly executed transition can stall, and leave us feeling as though we are functioning in a bubble.
Become a better leader.
Today is the day to take your career or your team to the next level. We can help you improve your professional skills and results.